Four weird things the left is doing in response to the mighty Trump economy

Four weird things the left is doing in response to the mighty Trump economy: Best economy in American history — with jobs, stocks, and everything soaring — and it’s making the the left do strange things.

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Socialism always ends in destruction

Socialism always ends in destruction:

venezuela-protest-crowd-socialism-collap (Natural News) Every attempt at socialism has failed miserably. Venezuela is only the latest country that has tried to implement a socialist paradise, only to inevitably crumble and crash before our eyes. Socialism, and its natural progression, communism, has caused the deaths of 100 million people since its inception 100 years ago. (Article by Virginia…

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Without The Second Amendment, This Is What Would Happen In America

Without The Second Amendment, This Is What Would Happen In America:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night […]

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If you voted Democrat, here’s another example of the lunatic Left-wing violence you just supported

If you voted Democrat, here’s another example of the lunatic Left-wing violence you just supported:

become-ungovernable.jpg (Natural News) In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, the Democratic Party is fast becoming the American Communist Party as it is taken over by the extreme Left. One by one notable conservatives, Republicans, and supporters of the president are being targeted by anarchist mobs who don’t so much align with the Democrats per se…

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Is it over yet?

I think the article at the link expresses a sentiment more common than is truly known.  ~Vanessa

Is it over yet?: John McCain’s true legacy.

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