Suspiciously Hoaxy

When I was young, I remember hearing stories of how the pro-abortion people were blowing up their own clinics as a way to make pro-life people look bad.  The presumption was that surely they’d not blow up their own clinics, it must have been the pro-life people therefore pro-life people were bad.

We know now that many hoaxes have been perpetrated – people spray-painting hateful names on their own homes, carving rude names into their own flesh, hanging nooses around their own college – all as a means to “prove” how awful they believe conservatives to be.   Of course, they can’t find any real conservatives doing such things so they have to do it themselves. 

Clearly irony is lost on them.

I don’t really believe today’s spate of “suspicious devices” found at the homes of well-known liberals (Obama, Clinton, Soros, and possibly others) are any different than a hoax designed to make conservatives look bad, right before the midterm elections.  Yeah, suspicious. 

These people aren’t even home – they’re out on the liberal election tour so a bomb would not get the supposed intended target.  Plus, much too easily found and averted so again, would not get the supposed intended target. 

It simply doesn’t work.  If it were real, let’s say, and a bomb did go off and harm or kill someone, it would only bring sympathy to their cause and not our own.  And that’s not what we want, not to mention, we’re just not the law-breaking type.  We are the keepers of the rules, and more than anything, we’d much rather see these people in prison than dead. 

Frankly, I think Obama would look spectacular in orange.  Hillary, too!

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Misrepresenting Statistics

This graphic popped up in my Twitter feed a while back.  The “shock and grab” headline really annoyed me.  It makes it sound like all these rapes are committed and nothing gets done about it because, I don’t know, reasons. 

I look at these numbers and what goes through my mind is that unless and until these rapes are convictions, they are alleged.  Period. 

Right out of the gate, 690 aren’t even reported, apparently, so obviously even the alleged victims didn’t make the effort to report the incidents so how can you even claim these rapes occurred?  Hearsay?  If that’s all it takes, then Jeff Bezos owes me about 50B.  Because I said so, that’s why.  What?  That’s all “survivors” need, right?  This whole “thousand” number looks made up.  No reports, no evidence, nothing. 

Of the 310 that are reported, 57 of those lead to arrest.  So, that means the cops have investigated, and found 253 lacking enough evidence to arrest.  There simply wasn’t enough there to facilitate an arrest, including identifying information about the alleged perpetrator.  Such a case occurred in my complex just last year.  But at least they were reported so if more evidence turns up in the future, there is a greater chance of a trial.

Of those 57, prosecutors decided not prosecute 46 of them.  This is generally because they, or a grand jury, didn’t feel there was enough evidence to convict. 

Of the 11 remaining that went to trial, 6 were convicted and incarcerated. 

Do you know what this means?  It means that over half of all rape trials lead to incarcerations.  MORE THAN HALF.  If your rape case goes to trial, you have better than a 50/50 chance of winning! 

Do unreported rapes happen?  Of course they do.  But you can’t just go in and destroy someone’s life without evidence.  That makes you no better than the alleged rapist you claim to be against.  Better a guilty man go free than an innocent man get convicted, is how our justice system was supposed to work. 

It’s also true that people lie.  Many even lie about being raped.

If you’ve been raped, you need to report it.  It is absolutely true there will be no future conviction of your perpetrator at all if you don’t. 


Michelle Malkin: The TRUTH About FALSE Rape Allegations

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Gun Violence in Chicago

So, they are saying that gun violence in Chicago has been on the decline for 15 months in a row now.

Gun Violence in Chicago on the Decline for the 15th Month in a Row – Maggionews

Did something happen around then that might be a contributing factor?

Let’s see.

Time since Trump’s inauguration … 16 mos.


People working don’t have time to kill one another, it would seem.

I’m just sayin’. 

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Romney: Jeffress wrong man to give Jerusalem embassy prayer | Fox News


Romney said, “Robert Jeffress says ‘you can’t be saved by being a Jew,’ and ‘Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.’ He’s said the same about Islam.”

Romney: Jeffress wrong man to give Jerusalem embassy prayer | Fox News

Oh good grief, Romney, what an a$$hole you are!  Jeffress is no more a bigot than you!  How many non-Mormons will make it to Kolob?  Hmm?

How many non-Muslims will make it to Paradise?

Even orthodox Judaism believes non-Jews won’t make it to Heaven!

As an alliance between Israel and that nation founded through Christianity (America in case you’re unaware), Jeffress is the just fine for this particular job.  It is Christians who are particularly pleased about the Embassy being finally moved to its rightful place in Jerusalem. 

Now please hold your tongue until you’re called on!

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A different planet?  Indeed. 

My “planet” is called Reality, and it is surrounded with rings, called History.

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